Theater 2.0

Berlin group searches the web for authors for a production

Web 2.0 meets play. This experiment, which is probably unique in Germany so far, is currently being tried by a Berlin theater group with the significant name Antigone 2.0. With a project in which everyone can participate via the net. The basis of the planned production is provided by Sophocles’ tragedy "Konig odipus", which is now to be edited, rewritten or expanded by interested parties on this site. According to the preserved Wikipedia principle. Registration is not required, by the way. And what will come out of it, of course, is still completely uncertain.

According to a press release, "It remains to be seen whether only the old language or also parts of the plot will be given a new face". Director Benedict Roeser’s concept revolves around the critical examination of knowledge. odipus, who uncovers his own misfortune through persistent research, is juxtaposed with the current practice of acquiring knowledge, which is changing at an accelerating pace through Internet services such as Wikipedia."

But not only the dramatic text is to be worked out by the Internet users, but also press releases, PR material and the program booklet are to be created. And even the rehearsal schedule is to be created online. Only acting must the actors then probably still alone.

Since the project is still in its infancy, textual changes are the exception so far. If one looks once from the prologue. This is where the chorus of familiar verses comes in:

Who, how, what! The, The, That! Why, why, why? Who does not ask remains stupid!

And after that odipus sits in a room guesthouse and talks to each other. After several beers and schnapps, the original text follows on the page again. Even with their latest production, "Antigone 2.0", the theater group has happily experimented. The spectators were able to comment on what was happening on the stage and ask questions via a live chat that could be seen in the background of the stage. And it was apparently turbulent at times, if you believe this press report: "There is an open bottle of champagne on the stage. Chatter 17 demands: ,There must be something in it – champagne for all!’ Loud laughter goes through the ranks. Creon is confused."This at least cannot happen with the planned new stucco. Champagne-thirsty live chatter will have to stay on the sidelines this time.